百瀬博之 MOMOSE Hiroyuki/本展野外作品 国際野外の表現2004展 IOE HIKI

百瀬博之 MOMOSE Hiroyuki

The cut-off form

I think it important for the formation of the work in the outdoors to be touched off from relation by geographical feature and the man etc. The space between an actual slope and the field of the vision made with the net is made. A look is applied to the place which is not noticed usually and it is made special space.



1983 Tokyo Zoukei University of Art and Design pictures
1986 University of Tsukuba graduate school Plastic Art and Mixed media
1982 Gallery TE, KOBAYASHI Gallery, MURAMATU Gallery, and Gallery GEN etc. 1999 Japan embassy public-relations Culture center (soul),
2000 IWAKI-Shi Art Museum [Amabiki Village and Sculpture], 2001〜03 ,2002 Art Project "Thought and Sound" (Lithuania) etc.
1983 東京造形大学絵画専攻 卒業
1986 筑波大学大学院総合造形 修了
1982 ギャラリー手、〜 コバヤシ画廊、村松画廊、ギャラリー現etc.
1999 日本大使館広報文化院(ソウル)
2000  いわき市美術館
2001〜03 「雨引の里と彫刻」
2002 アートプロジェクト「音と想い」(リトアニア)etc

Copyright(c) 国際野外の表現展, 2002-2022.